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上海特销艾示科EXTECH HDV640W管道内窥镜套装

2021/2/14 7:41:10发布112次查看
extech hdv640w带无线传输高分辨率管道内窥镜套装源自美国,extech致力于提供最佳的测试设备价值已43年有余,拥有iso 9001:2008质量认证,其产品热销全球。乐阜(上海)商贸有限公司专业经销extech艾示科全系列产品,一切从实际出发,为客户提供经济实惠的产品解决方案,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴!详询18516732045 qq1956889206

上海特销艾示科extech hdv640w带无线传输高分辨率管道内窥镜套装 产品简介:
extech hdv640w带无线传输高分辨率管道内窥镜套装
·大容量2gb sd记忆卡可存储超过15000张图片或视频
上海特销艾示科extech hdv640w带无线传输高分辨率管道内窥镜套装 相关产品推荐:
hd200 thermometer, differential, ir + datalogger
hd200-nist thermometer with nist, hd200
hd200-nistl thermometer with limited nist, hd200
hd300 thermo-anemometer, cfm/cmm + ir therm
hd300-nist thermo-anemometer with nist, hd300
hd300-nistl thermo-anemometer w/limited nist, hd300
hd350 pitot tube + anemometer diff manometer
hd400 light meter, backlit display
hd400-nist light meter with nist, hd400
hd450 light meter, datalogging
hd450-nist light meter with nist, hd450
hd500 psychrometer + 30:1 ir thermometer
hd500-nist psychrometer with nist, hd500
hd500-nistl psychrometer with limited nist, hd500
hd600 sound level datalogger
hd600-nist sound datalogger with nist, hd600
hd700 manometer with software, 2psi
hd700-nist manometer with nist, hd700
hd750 manometer with software, 5psi
hd750-nist manometer with nist, hd750
hd755 manometer, pressure, 0.5 psi
hd755-nist manometer with nist, hd755
hdv-25cam-10g camera, plumbing inspection, 25mm d, high
hdv-25cam-30g camera, plumbing inspection, 25mm d, high
hdv-4cam-1fm camera, narrow depth of field, 4mm d, fl
hdv-4cam-5fm 4mm camera head 5m flexible cable
hdv-5cam-10f camera, long depth of field, 5.5mm d, fl
hdv-5cam-1fm camera, narrow depth of field, 5.8mm d,
hdv-5cam-1r 5.8mm camera head1m semi-rigid cable
hdv-5cam-1rm camera, narrow depth of field, 5.8mm d,
hdv-5cam-30fm 5.5mm camera head, 30m flexible cable
hdv-5cam-3f camera, long depth of field, 5.5mm d, fl
hdv-5cam-3fm camera, narrow depth of field, 5.5mm d,
hdv-5cam-3r camera, long depth of field, 5.8mm d, ri
hdv-5cam-3rm camera, narrow depth of field, 5.8mm d,
hdv600 high definition videoscope (meter only)    
hdv610 high definition videoscope kit
hdv620 high definition videoscope kit
hdv640 high definition articulating videoscope kit
hdv640w wireless articulating video borescope kit
hdv650-10g plumbing videoscope kit w/ 10m cable
hdv650-30g plumbing videoscope kit w/ 30m cable
hdv650w-10g wireless plumbing videoscope kit w/ 10m
hdv650w-30g wireless plumbing videoscope kit w/ 30m
hdv-pc patch cable
hdv-tx1 6mm articulating videoscope camera head
hdv-tx1l 6mm articulating videoscope long focus camera head
hdv-tx2 6mm articulating videoscope camera head
hdv-tx2l 6mm articulating videoscope long focus camera head
hdv-wtx wireless transmitter
hdv-wtx1 6mm wireless articulating videoscope camera
hdv-wtx1l 6mm wireless articulating videoscope long focus camera
hdv-wtx2 6mm wireless articulating videoscope camera
hdv-wtx2l 6mm wireless articulating videoscope long focus camera
hg500 hanging strap for 500 series
ht30 heat stress wbgt meter
ht30-nistl heat stress meter w/limited nist
ht200 heat stress (wgbt) wet bulb globe temperature meter
hw30 stopwatch, heat index 
hw30-nistl hw30 w/limited nist - time function only
ir100 infrared thermometer micro
ir200 ir thermometer body & surface
ir201a thermometer, ir, pocket with laser pointer
ir400 ir thermometer
ir400-nist   ir thermometer with nist
irt500 dual laser ir thermal scanner
irt600 dual laser ir thermal condensation scanner
irt600-nistl dual laser ir thermal condensation scanner w/ltd nist
lcr200 lcr meter
lcr203 smd tweezer probe for lcr200
lcr205 smd component fixture for lcr200
lrk10 lighting retrofit kit
lrk15 lighting retrofit kit w/power clamp meter
lt10 light meter, pocket
lt300 light meter 
lt300-nist light meter with nist, lt300
lt40 led light meter
lt40-nist led light meter with nist
lt45 color led light meter
ma120 clamp meter, mini, ac/dc w/ncv/flashlight
ma120-nist clamp meter with nist, ma120
ma140 clamp meter, mini 300a, ac w/ncv 
ma140-nist clamp meter, mini 300a, ac w/ncv + nist
ma145 clamp meter, mini 300a, ac/dc w/ncv 
ma145-nist clamp meter, mini 300a, ac/dc w/ncv +nist
ma150 clamp meter, mini, 200a ac/dc w/ncv
ma150-nist clamp meter with nist, ma150
ma200 clamp meter, ac 400a
ma200-nist clamp meter with nist  ma200
ma220 clamp meter, ac/dc 
ma220-nist clamp meter with nist   ma220
ma250 clamp meter, 200a ac + ncv
ma250-nist clamp meter with nist, ma250
ma260 200 a ac true rms clamp meter, open jaw w/ncv
ma410 clamp meter, ncv, 400a
ma410-nist clamp meter, ncv, 400a with nist
ma410t 400a ac true rms clamp meter + ncv
ma410t-nist 400a ac true rms clamp meter + ncv with nist
ma430 400a ac clamp meter
ma430t 400a true rms ac clamp meter
ma430t-nist 400a true rms ac clamp meter with nist
ma435t 400a true rms ac/dc clamp meter
ma435t-nist 400a true rms ac/dc clamp meter with nist
ma620 clamp meter, trms + ncv, 600a ac
ma620-k industrial dmm/clamp meter test kit
ma620-nist clamp meter with nist, ma620
ma640 clamp meter, ac/dc + ncv, 600a
ma640-k phase rotation/clamp meter kit
ma640-nist clamp meter with nist  ma640
ma1500 ac/dc trms clamp meter w/ncv
ma1500-nist ac/dc trms clamp meter with nist
ma3010 cat iv true rms 3000a ac flex clamp meter, 10 in
ma3010-nist cat iv true rms 3000a ac flex clamp meter, 10 in w/nist
ma3018 cat iv true rms 3000a ac flex clamp meter, 18 in
ma3018-nist cat iv true rms 3000a ac flex clamp meter, 18 in w/nist
mc108 digital mobile microscope w/stand
mc108-2 digital mobile microscope w/stand - 220 ac adaptor
mc108-4 digital mobile microscope w/stand - 24o ac adaptor
mc200 digital microscope camera
mc200-2 digital microscope/camera with 220v adap
mc200-4 digital microscope/camera with 240v adap
md10 magnet detector
mf100 magnetic field meter ac/dc
mg300 cat iv insulation tester/m. meter 915mhz
mg300-etk electrical trouble shooting kit
mg300-mtk motor & drive trouble shooting kit
mg300-nist   cat iv insulation tester/m. meter 915mhz with nist
mg302 cat iv insulation tester/multimeter 433 mhz
mg302-etk electrical troubleshooting kit
mg302-mtk motor & drive trouble shooting kit
mg302-nist   cat iv insulation tester/multimeter with nist
mg500 high voltage insulation tester
mg500-nistl high voltage insulation tester with limited nist
mm560a multimeter, multimaster 500,000 count
mm560a-nist multimaster with nist   mm560
mm570a multimeter, multimaster 500,000 count w/temp
mm570a-nist multimaster with nist   mm570
mn15a multimeter, mini, digital
mn16a multimeter, digital, autoranging
mn16a-kit electrical test kit
上海特销艾示科extech hdv640w带无线传输高分辨率管道内窥镜套装 产品速览导航:
v extech艾示科  万用表 | 钳形表 | 温度计 | 空气流量计 | 照度计 | 噪音计 | 水质检测仪 | 转速仪 | 湿度&水分测定仪 | 视频检测相机
v dickson迪克森  记录仪 | 温度记录仪 | 压力记录仪 | 温湿度记录仪
v 生产线行业  p+f倍加福传感器 |西克sick传感器 |图尔克turck传感器 |巴鲁夫balluff传感器 |易福门ifm传感器 |mts传感器 |sendx斯德克
v 工业安全 p+f倍加福安全栅 | mtl安全栅 |  尼克斯phoenix安全栅 | mtl浪涌保护器 |  菲尼克斯phoenix防雷浪涌保护器 
v 转速监测 p+f倍加福编码器 | 光洋koyo编码器 | 西克sick编码器 | ifm易福门编码器 |  库柏勒kubler编码器 |  北极星编码器
v 泵阀气动类  奥地利kral螺杆泵 | rexroch力士乐 | hydac贺德克 | ckd喜开理 |  festo费斯托 |  smc
v 电源&以太网  phoenix菲尼克斯电源 | phoenix菲尼克斯交换机 | puls普尔世电源 |  魏德米勒电源 | 魏德米勒交换机
v 液位流量系列 e+h流量计 |  rosemount罗斯蒙特 |  mts液位传感器 |  横河流量计
上海特销艾示科extech hdv640w带无线传输高分辨率管道内窥镜套装
由于型号众多,更多产品请来电咨询:18516732045  qq1956889206


中国 上海


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