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武钢鞍钢华冶280克镀锌卷 上海武钢280克镀锌卷

2019/9/3 3:01:47发布141次查看
武钢鞍钢华冶280克镀锌卷 上海武钢280克镀锌卷镀锌板是指表面镀有一层锌的钢板。镀锌是一种经常采用的经济而有效的防锈方法,世界上锌产量的一半左右均用于此种工艺。
galvanized sheet is a steel plate with a zinc coating on its surface. zinc plating is an economical and effective rust-proof method which is often used. about half of the world's zinc production is used in this process.
武钢鞍钢华冶280克镀锌卷 上海武钢280克镀锌卷镀锌钢板是为防止钢板表面遭受腐蚀延长其使用寿命,在钢板表面涂以一层金属锌,这种涂锌的钢板称为镀锌板。①热浸镀锌钢板。将薄钢板浸入熔解的锌槽中,使其表面粘附一层锌的薄钢板。目前主要采用连续镀锌工艺生产,即把成卷的钢板连续浸在熔解有锌的镀槽中制成镀锌钢板;
galvanized steel sheet is a kind of galvanized steel sheet, which is coated with a layer of metal zinc to prevent corrosion on the surface of the steel sheet and prolong its service life. this kind of galvanized steel sheet is called galvanized steel sheet.hot dip galvanized steel sheet. immerse sheet steel into molten zinc bath,to make its surface adhere to a thin layer of zinc steel. at present, continuous galvanizing process is mainly used to produce galvanized steel sheets, that is, coiled steel sheets are continuously immersed in galvanized bath to produce galvanized steel sheets.
武钢鞍钢华冶280克镀锌卷 上海武钢280克镀锌卷合金化镀锌钢板。这种钢板也是用热浸法制造,但在出槽后,立即把它加热到500℃左右,使其生成锌和铁的合金薄膜。这种镀锌板具有良好的涂料的密着性和焊接性;
alloyed galvanized steel sheet. this kind of steel plate is also made by hot dipping method, but it is heated to about 500 c immediately after the trough is out to form zinc and iron alloy film. the galvanized sheet has good adhesion and weldability of the coating.
武钢鞍钢华冶280克镀锌卷 上海武钢280克镀锌卷
galvanized steel sheet. the galvanized steel sheet produced by electroplating has good processability. however, the coating is thinner and the corrosion resistance is not as good as that of hot dip galvanized sheet.
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